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Directorate General of Air Meteorology

The Directorate General of Meteorology is responsible for:
  • Defining meteorological services, pricing and marketing the product
  • Providing multi-hazard early warning services
  • Monitoring and observing weather conditions and preparing reports and warnings as necessary and coordinating with the concerned authorities
  • Generating analysis and weather forecast using products from remote sensing and numerical weather prediction models
  • Collecting and analyzing weather statistical data and performing weather and climate research
  • Cooperating and coordinating with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other related and relevant organizations in keeping abreast with the latest standards and recommended practices for public weather service and aviation respectively
  • Representing Oman and participating in international conferences related to meteorology
  • Managing meteorological projects and maintaining meteorological equipment and systems
  • Maintaining meteorology equipment
  • Managing the budget of the meteorology service, including overseeing the billing of meteorology services

The Research & Development Department is responsible for

  • Maintaining all historical meteorological data
  • Analyzing data acquired from remote-sensing systems using statistical and numerical analysis software, image analysis software, or geographic information systems (GIS)
  • Developing and improving the quality of numerical weather predictions models
  • Studying the impact of weather patterns affecting Oman and the surrounding areas
  • Developing forecasting techniques and tools to improve the quality of the forecast
  • Recommending new remote-sensing hardware or software acquisitions
  • Conducting research and case studies related to severe weather, seasonal forecast and climate change
  • Conducting research and case studies related tsunami hazards and vulnerability
  • Conducting research in weather related elements that help serving different social and economical sectors in the country
  • Developing and using statistical and numerical forecasting techniques
  • Developing numerical weather predictions models
  • Providing required data to Forecasting & Early Warning Services unit
  • Generating and publishing weather and climate reports
  • Publishing research results in local, regional and international journals and magazines

The Forecasting & Multi Hazard Early Warning System Department is responsible for:

  • Conducting weather observations through weather stations distributed on ground and in the sea across the entire Sultanate
  • Forecasting & Multi Hazard Early Warning System
  • Assessing the quality of the collected metrological data
  • Conducting general weather forecasts locally and regionally
  • Conducting aviation forecast and warning
  • Managing the forecasting and Multi Hazard Early Warning Centre
  • Coordinating the communication of early warnings to the public and to the media
  • Assessing data outputs from the numerical weather prediction unit
  • Forecasting weather conditions for general, aviation, marine and the other customers
  • Developing and tailoring forecast reports according to customer requirements
  • Partnering with media institutions (e.g., TVs and Radio) regarding weather broadcasting
  • Receiving weather data and packaging into user-friendly animations, including 3-D clips

The Projects & Technical Services Department is responsible for:

  • Planning and managing MET infrastructure
  • Installing remote weather stations
  • Performing ‗cost/benefit‘ analysis of MET infrastructure and equipment
  • Managing MET equipment and systems development projects in liaison with procurement unit
  • Preparing and monitoring maintenance budget
  • Responsible for managing external suppliers, including
  • Updating and developing systems, devices and networks, according to the specifications of the World Meteorological Organization and the ICAO
  • Implementing the technical specifications of the Meteorological stations standard issued by the World Meteorological Organization and the ICAO
  • Supporting preparation of RFPs
  • Planning and supervising contracted MET work services
  • Maintaining and repairing of equipment, systems and network
  • Calibrating of MET station sensors
  • Preparing tender documents for MET projects and evaluating the bids
  • Supervising and monitoring the implementation of MET upgrade or installation projects
  • Testing and commissioning following project completion