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Joint Civil Aviation Organization and International Aviation Search and Rescue Workshop

25 August 2019
Joint Civil Aviation Organization and International Aviation Search and Rescue Workshop

The Sultanate hosts a joint search and rescue workshop between the offices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the regions of Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Middle East in Salalah during the period 26-29 August 2019.

This workshop is an affirmation of the pivotal role played by the Sultanate of Oman at all levels of aviation locally, regionally and globally. The location of the workshop in the city of Salalah was chosen based on its topography and geographical location which is characterized during this period of autumn weather by moderate temperature and continuous drizzle.


More than 20 countries are participating with 100 experts and specialists representing different fields of civil, military, maritime and aviation authorities.


The main objectives of the workshop are to provide an overview of the latest Search and Rescue (SAR) related developments from the perspectives of ICAO and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), share States experiences with search and rescue, and  to address issues related to civil and military cooperation, develop technology and lessons learned from SAR arrangements, as well as to provide an opportunity for bilateral, multilateral discussions on SAR agreements. Besides, it will be agreed on recommendations for the development of working methods. These recommendations will include proposals from each region for the appropriate ICAO team as the basis for the next phase, which will enhance cooperation between States and ensure coordination among ICAO regions for the implementation of SAR operations.