Civil Aviation Authority - Menu

Passenger Complaints

Passenger Complaints Form

1. Service name and description

Protecting the rights of passengers: Requesting complaints against airlines operating at the airports of the Sultanate in case of any failure of the airlines.

2. Service stages brief description

  • Letter of complaint addressed to the Director of the Department of Economic Regulation and shall include all deficiencies.
  • Attach all documents related to the complaint (Airline reply. airline tickets, bookings or a copy of the missing, if any, etc.).
  • Review the complaint submitted and documents related by the specialists in the department.
  • Refer the complaint to the concern airline

3. Service provider (Sector or Section Name) (Job Title)

Department of Economic Regulation - Passenger Rights Protection Section.

4. Service related information

Average time to service is 5 working days.

5. Service required documents    

  • Airline Reply
  • Copy of the ticket
  • A copy of the personal documents.
  • A copy of the traveler's documents related to the trip.

6. Service fees and renewal

Not currently applicable

7. Complains and grievance

Check with Economic Regulation Department if the complaint is not answered.