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Aerodrome special Approval

  1. Service name and description

Aerodrome Deviation / Exemption

  1. Specific Conditions

The CAA may exempt, in writing, an aerodrome operator from complying with specific provisions of CAR 139. The deviation / exemption process requires an aeronautical study or a risk assessment to be carried out by the aerodrome operator when submitting the request.

  1. Applicable for Customers

Aerodrome operator / Companies

  1. Service provider

Aerodrome Safety Department

  1. Procedure
  1. Application: written application shall be submitted to CAA (DGCAR) at least 30 days before the date of intended service provision
  2. Review: On receipt of a request for a deviation / exemption, the CAA will review the documents submitted in order to assess safety implication of such deviation or exemption request. If CAA request further modification or amendment to a document, it will be communicated to the aerodrome operator.  
  3. Approval or Rejection for Exemption: DGCAR will inform by letter the approval or rejection of the deviation or exemption requested. If a deviation or exemption is granted DGCAR, the approval letter must be incorporated in to the aerodrome manual and AIP.
  1. Required Documents

An applicant for an aerodrome certificate shall submit to CAA:

  • Written Letter
  • Risk assessment or Aeronautical Study
  1. Fees & Payment Mechanism
  • Application fees:  free
  1. Time Consumed
  • Not less than 30 days before the date of intended service provision