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Issuance of noise certificate

  1. Service name and description
  • Issuance of noise certificate
  • Issuing a one off the Noise certificate for each registered aircraft in Oman in order to be carried inboard the aircraft in accordance with ICAO Annex 16 and Omani regulation. 
  1. Service provider
  •  Flight Safety
  1. Regulatory reference
  •  Royal Degree No 76/2019
  •  Annex 16 ICAO
  •  Civil Aviation Notice (CAN) No. 1-04 and 1-06.
  1. Documents Required
  • Letter from the AOC holder/ Owner  in parallel to initial registration of aircraft DGCAR forms AWR/035
  1. Workflow
  • Check the operator request
  • Study the related documentation of the concerned A/C
  • Issue the certificate
  • Keep it into the appropriate file
  1. Fees & Payment Mechanism
  • 500 OR
  1. Time Consumed
  • Two days from the reception of request.


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